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For cleaning drill holes in concrete (Injection System Concrete Multi WIT-UH 300 and Pure Epoxy WIT-PE 1000)
For borehole cleaning of injection and cartridge systems
For borehole cleaning for reinforcement attachment with subsequent mortaring (WIT-VM 250, REBAR; WIT-PE-500, REBAR)
For REBAR cleaning brush and WIT-RB cleaning brush (concrete multi WIT-UH 300 and Pure Epoxy WIT-PE 1000)
Reduces the diameter of the blow-out tube (blow-out pump) from 10 mm to 8 mm
For WIT-RB cleaning brush (concrete Multi WIT-UH 300) and REBAR cleaning brush (WIT-PE 500, ALLROUNDER WIT-VM 250, REBAR)
Vacuum cleaner adapter for extracting drilling dust when drilling or cleaning holes